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Managed by LEAD: Transform your school through strong school administration and management support

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We, as LEAD School, partner with over 2000 Affordable Private schools to implement our integrated system. We have had great success in working closely with our partner schools to deliver strong consistent learning outcomes, significantly improve teacher performance, create a surge in demand and drive business growth through new admissions and deliver the benefit of associating with the LEAD network of schools across 25 states in India.

As we scale this model further, we have had several schools ask us if we can also run the school operations for them and this demand has only gone up during the pandemic.

Schools reach out to us for one of the following reasons :

  1. Schools with a great legacy but the second generation of the family not ready or able to take over and leadership succession not clear.
  2. School owners want to free up their time to expand their schools further, focus on other business interests and would prefer to have someone else professionally manage their day to day school operations
  3. School owners realize that they need fresh thinking and new professional management to keep up with the changing times and bring the school in line with the aspirations of their community
  4. Issues with administrative challenges and liquidity during the pandemic has made school owners realize that their current administration requires support to ride through this time and remain relevant.
Our offering – LEAD Managed Schools 

LEAD Managed schools is a partnership model where LEAD manages and runs the school on behalf of the trust/ society/ owners and promises outcomes and school success in return for a management fee. LEAD will enable schools to streamline their administration, enable strong school operations ensuring that their business is sustainable and deliver consistent outcomes and growth while offering high-quality education.

This will be a multi-year partnership with pre-aligned committed outcomes such as student learning outcomes and external exam results, school growth (Admissions, revenue increase through fees) and access to world-class innovation.

Why we are best positioned to support schools 

LEAD School started its journey in education by starting and running its own Affordable Private English medium schools in Tier 2,3 towns of Gujarat and Maharashtra. Within a short period of time, we were able to create a school brand with over 1500+ students consistently delivering over 1.7 years of English growth (within 1 year of learning) and all students achieving over 70% mastery in all subjects. Beyond the focus on learning, these LEAD Own schools have also enabled their students to develop as holistic individuals and strong citizens of this country.

This continued experience of running schools has made us very intimately aware of what school owners experience when running a school with limited resources in remote parts of the country. We have a strong understanding of parent mindsets in this segment, we have set up strong systems and management practices to get the best from teachers in the region and have developed a methodology to consistently drive innovation in schools.

LEAD Managed Schools is a culmination of our experience in running schools and with increasing demand from our partners during the pandemic, we decided the time is ripe for us to set forth on this journey.

How will this work for your school

As an integral part of the school’s administration, LEAD School will ensure accountability and results from orientation with a three-pronged approach that encompasses academics, administration and growth :

  • Academics – LEAD School will employ a dedicated Academic Coordinator on the school campus. The coordinator will ensure that the LEAD approach to learning is followed and the LEAD Academic system is implemented robustly in the school– Ensuring classes are multi-modal to cater to each child’s unique learning needs, enable the teacher to teach effectively through strong lesson plans and activities, enable Principal and Academic coordinator to provide timely feedback to teachers and parents and ensuring high rigour in assessments and remedial interventions for student learning improvement.
  • School management and Growth was driven by a strong brand – A manager appointed by LEAD School will be in charge of professional day-to-day school management and driving the business growth of the school through admissions. They will ensure parents understand the benefits of the LEAD approach. Associating with the LEAD brand offers schools an opportunity to differentiate themselves as centres of excellent learning in their community. We will help schools maximize this through strong campaigns to increase enrollment and grow the reputation of the school.
  • Better fiscal discipline and practices– Better management practices, streamlined administration, proven learning outcomes, strong brand and a strengthened feedback mechanism with parents will enable the school to increase its revenue while still staying affordable to its core target segment. Further, improvements in the fee collection system will bring efficiency improvements to the revenue and cash flows of the school. For parents facing monetary difficulties, financing and EMI options too can be explored as an extension of this relationship.
What benefits can you gain from this

Being a LEAD Managed school, we aim to ensure

  1. Consistent student success and learning outcomes
  2. Better enrolments and business growth
  3. Transparent and professional school management
  4. Keeping your school at the cutting edge of innovation in education
  5. Continued success and reputational gains in the community

Managed by LEAD aims to bring professionalism and better management practices to schools, which will ultimately lead to a better quality of education. A radically new way to integrate curricular innovations alongside professional standards of management thereby ensuring that Managed by LEAD schools remain ahead of the curve and serve as benchmarks for world-class education in India.

LEAD is transforming schools by making children future-ready. To make yours a LEAD Powered School: Partner with us today

About the author

Srinivasan T

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In this age of hybrid education and technological advancement, schools are perhaps one of the most important partners in bringing about radical improvements in learning outcomes.

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Srinivasan T  |  Thought Leadership

Managed by LEAD: Transform your school through strong school administration and management support

We, as LEAD School, partner with over 2000 Affordable Private schools to implement our integrated system. We have had great success in working closely with our partner schools to deliver strong consis

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Srinivasan T  |  Thought Leadership

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