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What are the different types of blended teaching models

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Blended learning combines the best of two learning environments—instructor-led face-to-face classroom environment and self-paced learning. Read on to know the various types of blending teaching approaches:

The Flipped Classroom Model

The basic concept of a Flipped Classroom model is that it is a reverse form of the traditional classroom. In a traditional classroom model teachers teach and students go back and study the same or solve assignments based on that. In a flipped classroom, the learners have more independence and responsibility for learning. So rather than a teacher teaching everything, students have to learn a set material on their own, and then attend a few sessions or take the help of their teacher in clarifying doubts or participate in discussions. Instructor or teacher-led interventions mostly happen in person, or they may happen live, in an online mode too. This is how the flipped classroom model implements the blended teaching approach.

Following are the salient features of a flipped classroom model:

  • Engaging and productive classroom discussions
  • Group work for projects or solving cases
  • Development of higher-order thinking
  • Focussed solving of doubts
  • Better retention and involvement of learners

The Enriched Virtual Model

This method is similar to the flipped classroom model in some aspects. Children learn primarily online, though face-to-face sessions with the school teacher are also needed. While the flipped classroom can be thought of as reversing the traditional approach of a classroom, the enriched virtual model starts with remote instruction as its base. Online teaching is then supplemented with mandatory in-person interactions.

The Individual Rotation Model

The individual rotation model can be employed in a variety of different educational settings, including in blended education models. Students are sorted into unique educational pathways based on their needs. Learning opportunities include self-sustained study, small groups, teamwork, assignments conducted by the school teacher for the whole group, and personalized interventions. Fixed timetables may be used in place of customized learning journeys if required, and various types of learning opportunities can be completed online or in person. There are four different types of rotation models: Station rotation, lab rotation, flipped classroom, and individual rotation. Read this article to know more.


The Flex Model

The Flex model is a self-paced, student-led model. Originally this model was devised to assist returning students who had not completed their high school education. While educators make learning opportunities for their students and support their progress as needed, individual learners proceed through modules on their own. This level of independence is generally suitable for older students. In-person building blocks of the model can be utilized for intervention opportunities, breakout rooms, lab practices, and collaboration.

The A La Carte Model

Classified as a blended teaching model, it involves a certain amount of student self-direction, at the level of individual course selection. Classes offered by the school are completed as they normally would be, while learners can choose from a list of options for supplemental topics. These individual classes are often conducted entirely online. The student may complete this portion of their education from home or by using the technology available in their school.

Benefits of an A La Carte model

  • Personalized learning paths
  • Learn at their own pace
  • More engaging and interactive

Take a step back and consider what your goals are and what kind of things you are looking to provide the learner. Once you have decided on whether or not to incorporate blended education at your institute or school you can search for school ERP software that can help enable a blended teaching approach at your school.

At LEAD, we provide schools with integrated learning systems that enable schools to provide excellent education, both online and offline. With its advanced technology systems, all stakeholders are in sync with achieving the best learning outcomes for students.

3000+ schools across India trust LEAD to provide an excellent quality, internationally benchmarked curriculum to their students.Know More

About the author

Mohini is a Product Manager at LEAD School. She is an IIT Bombay alumnus. Her love of solving problems drives her as a product manager. Her varied experience of products across industries allows her to have multiple outlooks on every problem. She is a strong believer of the butterfly effect, and hence keeps making small efforts for the big changes and is excited to be a part of LEAD School.

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