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How technology integration in schools ensure great results?

Learning can be frustrating and complicated for your kid with old school techniques. Parents often struggle to build the interest of their child in studies. With the introduction of technology, kids are getting a better and engaging environment to study. Today, high-tech innovations are changing the way children learn. Earlier, the parents have to invest a significant amount of time in explaining concepts to their child. With the dawn of e-learning, grasping concepts has become easier.

Technology integration in schools is becoming more and more extensive. Education at all levels has gone digital. Educational research group Pearson reports that traditional parent-teacher conferences provide limited results. Technology helps parents connect with teachers and monitor their child’s schoolwork and daily activities. As a parent, you will get to access the grades and performance of your kid.

When technology integration in schools is best, your child will engage in more activities and projects. Here are the benefits of technology integration that brings guaranteed results-

  • Enhances Knowledge Retention

Children, most of the time, forget what they have learnt. This is because they do not comprehend the concept and mug up the information. Technology integration in schools helps your child to participate actively in the classroom, increasing their knowledge retention. Online learning involves the use of audio and visuals that simplifies the concept to understand your child.

  • Encourages Collaboration

Kids can practice collaboration skills by getting involved in various online activities. Technology can encourage collaboration with children in the same classroom, same school, and other classrooms worldwide.

  • Children Equip Useful Skills

The use of technology in the classroom allows your child to develop skills significant for the 21st century. The coming time will be highly competitive, for which the grounding has to be set firm. The smart class allows your kid to collaborate with others and equip problem-solving, communication and leadership skills.

  • Increased Involvement of Parents

The online learning platforms allow you to track the performance of your child. You can also access their assessment, tests and activities in just one click due to the technology. Apart from this, parents can connect with teachers easily and work with them to create the best possible environments to foster students’ well-being.

  • Interactive and Fun Learning Environment

The use of digital tools in explaining concepts attracts the children and persuades them to study. The increase in interaction between teachers and students help them to learn better. Your child can reach out to the teacher without any hesitation.

Technology helps in addressing skill gaps

Sitting at home, children can learn and equip the knowledge required to excel in the current competitive scenario via technology. The inclusion of newer teaching methods and access to digital tools allows your child to equip the skills necessary to make a career.

Accenture explains that the current education and corporate learning systems are not equipped to address the coming revolution in skills demand in one of its reports. This is why the conventional paradigm has to shift beyond textbooks.

“We should be talking more about learning than about education. Education is about processes and topdown transmission of knowledge. Learning is a much wider concept. A lot of learning goes on in non-educational contexts, and today we have a very large and increasing number of learning opportunities,” explains Cristóbal Cobo, Director, Center for Research, Ceibal Foundation (Uruguay) and Research Associate, Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford (UK).

How can LEAD make the best use of technology to provide quality education?

With LEAD, parents are free from the worry of their child’s education. LEAD takes away the barriers coming in the way of your kid’s education by personalising and giving a blended-learning experience.

LEAD provides multimodal classroom experience with Smart TV enabled class and over 125k hours of teacher tablet lesson plans. Your child can access lessons, live classes, activities etc., with just a click with a technology-driven system. Parents also become an active part of their child’s learning experience. The digital platform allows parents to monitor their child’s everyday progress by tracking school tasks and activities. LEAD is transforming the learning experience of students for the better.

In a traditional system, children rely on books for their learning. But in the LEAD system, they get to learn via three modes of teaching.

Technology integration in schools

  • Through videos and slides that teachers show from their app
  • Through activities from the School Excellence Kit
  • Through books and workbooks from LEAD 

Lastly, LEAD ensures excellent learning that helps students develop into:

  • Capable adults
  • Responsible citizens
  • Good human beings


LEAD is helping children become future-ready. To enrol your child in a LEAD Powered School: Fill the admission form now

About the author

Manasa is a Branding and Communication Manager at LEAD. She is an Asian College of Journalism alumnus and a former Teach for India Fellow. Manasa has also completed her MBA in marketing from Deakin University. She strongly believes that education has the power to shake the world and is excited to be a part of LEAD’s transformational journey.

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