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Smart class online- an expansive world of effective learning during school closures

More than 168 million school children globally missed out on learning in class, as schools remain shut indefinitely. Moreover, the uncertainty lingering around this lockdown has made the industry chaotic, forcing stakeholders to think beyond the box. Mere online learning did not serve the purpose of bringing quality learning; it widened the gap. “With every day that goes by, children unable to access in-person schooling fall further and further behind, with the most marginalized paying the heaviest price”, quotes Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director.

A model that’s more than just about connecting teachers with students is what this sector needs. The devastating consequences of students’ learning and well-being due to the school closures are no longer a secret. The extended school closure has forced students to remain devoid of essential elements required to flourish in the present and future. Online learning remains just a medium, not an enabler. Education ministries are making efforts to make in-class learning happen at home.

Smart online class, bridging the loopholes of online learning

Students studying from home might not always remain at the top of their game. In fact, for many, it still is a vacation. Parents, especially the working class, have little to no time to give their child’s education during online learning. Keeping this in mind, the smart online class has surfaced to mitigate the devastating effects of the pandemic. Not only does this model bring quality learning sitting at home, but it is a massive breather for teachers and parents alike. Teachers during online learning have suffered a great deal in the absence of a proper structure. As a result, their skills fell short, and the tension to bring results kept on mounting.

On the other hand, parents cannot always help their children with their homework or prepare for exams. Smart online classes with their unique features have solved the modern-day problem of effective learning. One of the unique features of this mode is, even when the pandemic is over, schools can keep this structure to bring long-term efficiency and avoid any future disruption as smart learning enables a hybrid model too.  

  • Students can get a better understanding of concepts and retain them for a longer period
  • The interaction between student-teacher interaction gets enhanced
  • Real-time blended teaching and learning
  • Improves student’s creativity
  • Enhances teachers’ creativity to teach
  • Offers better in-class experience so students for better student engagement
  • Improves academic performance of students with better resources to teach
  • Offers online mental well-being classes to deal with the going on the crisis
  • Easy-to-use and accessibility
How is LEAD helping students with quality learning at home?

When a school becomes LEAD-enabled, it visually enables every class, provides the school with teaching and learning materials and every student with books and workbooks. LEAD also provides centrally designed assessment papers. As online education continues, LEAD School @Home and the Parent & Student App enable parents to actively participate in their child’s learning growth. Every teacher is equipped with a teacher tablet loaded with lesson plans, audiovisual resources, and training resources. The Excellence Managers at LEAD coach and guide teachers throughout the year to develop their skills and upgrade themselves. Smart learning is the new way of education, and LEAD ensures that this much-needed change reaches even the country’s remotest areas.

Smart learning

With LEAD, it has become easy for parents to achieve excellent learning for their children while sitting at home without exhausting themselves. At LEAD, teachers are trained, and students look forward to attending classes. In fact, According to a survey done by LEAD, the numbers say that students with 80%+ attendance scored 40-45% higher on average than students who did not attend classes as regularly. With LEAD, students fetched 80% by the year’s end compared to 55% at its beginning.

LEAD is helping children become future-ready. To enrol your child in a LEAD Powered School: Fill the admission form now

About the author

Manjiri Shete

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