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The Advantages and Disadvantages of New Education Policy 2020


The Advantages and Disadvantages of New Education Policy 2020

Last Updated On: 22/08/2024

Bazla Kausar

School Owner

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which seeks to satisfy the various emerging developmental imperatives of our nation, is the first education policy of the 21st century. In order to establish a new system that is in line with the aspirational goals of 21st-century education, including SDG4 (Sustainable Development Goal 4, created by the United Nations to emphasise inclusive and equitable quality education), and strengthens India’s traditions and value systems, this policy proposes the modification and restructuring of all aspects of the educational structure, including its regulation and governance.

“An education isn’t how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It’s being able to differentiate between what you know and what you don’t.” ~ Anatole France.

Importance of NEP 2020 for Schools

The NEP 2020 holds significant importance for schools as it brings transformative changes to the education system. Here’s why NEP 2020 is crucial for schools:

  1. Holistic Development of Students: Schools are encouraged to focus on the all-round development of students, including cognitive, social, ethical, and emotional aspects, rather than just academic achievement.
  2. Improved Quality of Education: By adopting the new pedagogical structure and curriculum, schools can provide high-quality education that meets international standards.
  3. Inclusive Education: The policy emphasises inclusivity, ensuring that every child, regardless of background, has access to education. 
  4. Enhanced Teacher Training: NEP 2020 advocates for continuous professional development and training for teachers, ensuring they are well-equipped to deliver modern and effective education.
  5. Use of Technology: Increased investment in digital infrastructure and resources allows schools to integrate advanced technologies into their teaching methods, making learning more interactive and engaging.
  6. Focus on Vocational Education: Schools can provide vocational training from an early age, preparing students for various career paths and practical life skills.

In this article

NEP 2020 Advantages for Students and Teachers


NEP 2020 Disadvantages: Areas of improvement

How is LEAD NEP 2020 compliant?

NEP 2020 Advantages for Students and Teachers

Advantages for Students

  1. Increased Expenditure on Education: The increased spending on education, from 3% to 6%, brings much-needed funds, focus, and prioritisation to the education sector.
  2. Reduced Exam Stress: The new school structure reduces the stress of board exams and channels students’ focus towards practical skills and vocational learning.
  3. Flexibility to Choose Subjects: Students can choose any subject combination from Arts, Commerce, and Science, exploring a multidisciplinary arena of education.
  4. Universalisation of Education: NEP 2020 makes education a basic right, bringing many children back to educational institutes and truly universalising education for children aged 3-18.
  5. Introduction to Coding: Introducing computers and coding in class 6 enhances the learning process and prepares students for the future.

Advantages for Teachers

  1. Professional Development: Increased investment in teacher training ensures that teachers are well-prepared to deliver high-quality education.
  2. Flexibility in Teaching Methods: Teachers have the freedom to adopt innovative teaching methods that cater to the diverse needs of students.
  3. Focus on Multilingualism: Promoting multilingualism helps teachers incorporate various languages into their teaching, making learning more inclusive and effective.
  4. Digital Resources: Enhanced digital infrastructure provides teachers with modern tools and platforms to improve teaching and engage students effectively.

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NEP 2020 Disadvantages: Areas of Improvement

However, there are some points which have received criticism from some sections of society. The following are some of the disadvantages of the new education policy 2020:

  • Teaching in the mother tongue will be challenging: Teaching the fundamental subjects in the mother tongue will be a hassle as India has 22 scheduled languages and innumerable dialects. The course material will need to be converted to these languages first, and then the requirement of skilled teachers to implement this.
  • Widening the gap between learners: As the mother tongue is going to be the preferred medium of instruction till class 5, the introduction of English after 5th standard in government schools will widen the gap with the private schools that have been providing education in English since the beginning.
  • Challenge of digital divide: The digital divide present in India is even more extreme in rural areas where not everyone can afford smartphones. The problem is further compounded by the poor IT infrastructure of government-run schools, which will create implementation issues in the digitization of education. 

However, the issues with these policies can be changed with due government intervention.


How is LEAD NEP 2020 compliant?

The largest school-focused ed-tech provider in India, LEAD, provides a range of instruction options that are fully compliant with the NEP 2020:

  • Pre-primary Curriculum: It includes instructional strategies, resources, and age-appropriate content to prepare kids for more advanced learning. A comprehensive, theme-based learning method promotes children’s holistic development, which is in line with NEP principles on Early Childhood Care and Education.
  • International Education Curriculum: The extensively researched and internationally standardised curriculum of LEAD encompasses the finest techniques adopted from different nations and is in sync with NEP.
  • Digital Classroom Software: By utilising modern learning technologies to their full potential, LEAD’s highly innovative digital classroom solutions are created to stimulate children’s senses. They have the latest learning tools, including smart classrooms, virtual labs, digital repositories, etc., to provide students with flexible and interesting learning opportunities.
  • English Language and General Awareness (ELGA): Focusing on five components of English: Writing and Speaking Expression, Whole Words, Phonics, Grammar, and Reading and Listening Comprehension, ELGA is a unique skill-based programme that helps children learn English better and faster.
  • Sampoorna Hindi: The Sampoorna Hindi programme of LEAD complements the NEP’s multilingual and culturally embedded themes as it helps kids develop their Hindi language skills holistically.

So, move ahead with LEAD and successfully implement the NEP 2020 guidelines while making your students smart learners.



In NEP 2020, the pros overpower the cons. There are more good aspects of NEP than less appreciative ones. And with timely recognition, they will also be addressed, and NEP will prove beneficial to both students and the education sector.

LEAD can help you make your school NEP-ready with its integrated school system. Call us today for a FREE consultation.


NEP 2020: Change in the nature of exams

NEP 2020: Addressing Learning Crisis and Building Foundational Literacy & Numeracy

Education is essential to change, for education creates both new wants and the ability to satisfy them.” – Henry Steele Commager.

Article Summary

  • NEP 2020 is the first education policy of the 21st century and aims to bring about the much-required changes.
  • Its major objective is to universalise education while keeping it equitable and inclusive.
  • There are many advantages, from the enhanced education budget to multidisciplinary learning.
  • However, there are some disadvantages of the new education policy 2020, which will lead to challenges in implementing the policies.
  • LEAD is NEP compliant and provides digital solutions to enhance students’ learning experience. 

Bazla Kausar

Bazla works as a Data Engineer at LEAD. Here work involves understanding business problems and providing most suitable data integrations & data engineering solutions. In addition, Bazla is an avid technology enthusiast with an aim to use writing to help others understand complicated data engineering concepts in the simplest way possible.



Bazla Kausar

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