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5 Common Classroom Management Challenges and Solutions

5 Common Classroom Management Problems (With Solutions)

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No classroom is perfect. You might have the best lesson plans tucked in your notebook or the kindest personality in the world, there may still be a chance that you will encounter some classroom management issues as an educator. While these might be difficult to deal with, they are not impossible to eliminate.

Are you wondering what are some common classroom problems and how you can go about tackling them? Here’s a list of the most common classroom management issues and solutions to help you sail through your school year better! Keep reading!

Disruptive Talking

This problem is one that every teacher everywhere in the world is well aware of. Disruptive talking in the middle of your lesson can be a common issue when you have a class of notorious young adults. Every time you stop your instruction and quiet the class, you lose focus and time.

Solution: Figure out the talkative ones and make sure you keep making eye contact with them throughout the class. This tactic prevents them from talking too much since they know you’re looking.

You can also stand closer to their seats when giving your lecture. If there are very disrespectful students, don’t hesitate to invite them into the lesson by asking questions and giving tasks.

Personality Clash

Do you have a diverse group of students in your class? If yes, you must be dealing with many personality clashes between those who always want to dominate the class with their comments and those who never say a word. Such dynamics can ruin the energy of your classroom.

Solution: Consider dividing your classroom into smaller groups and putting contradicting personalities together. Plan your lessons to allow both the active and the shy students to participate. You can assign the active learners other tasks like helping or facilitating group activities to do what they do best.

Time Constraints

Have you ever run out of time when delivering a lecture? You’d be surprised to know that it’s a very common classroom management problem. Teachers often have numerous ideas for classroom activities, but they implement only a fraction of them.

When ongoing activities are disrupted due to lack of time, the students are left clueless about their progress, hurting their learning flow.

Solution: You likely put in a lot of time to plan your lessons, but if you often run out of time, it’s a sign that you must upgrade your time management.

Time usually tends to fly by during discussions, so consider giving your students a time limit when you start a debate in class. Also, while planning games and activities, make sure you do some mock-ups yourself to see how much time they take.

Unsettled Beginnings

Your students come into the class every morning chatting and laughing. It takes more than twenty minutes to settle them, and that’s half your class time managing the noise.

Even after that, their minds are not ready to receive knowledge right away due to excessive stimulation. If it’s been happening in your class every morning, you know that it can set your lessons plans behind.

Solution: You can create a journaling habit among your students. Please make arrangements to provide them with little notebooks at the beginning of the school year, which they can use for their daily journaling.

As soon as they sit down at the start of the day, ask them to free write in their journal for three to five minutes. This approach will help calm their minds and prepare them for a fantastic learning day.

Unmet Expectations

Every teacher has a set of expectations from their class. For instance, as a tutor, you might want your students to keep the jokes at the door when you’re teaching.

Or you might want your students to be able to have fun with you during your class time but also not expect any grace periods on assignments and tests. However, most teachers worldwide struggle to meet their expectations in their classes.

Solution: Your students are more likely to understand and respect your expectations when they do not see them as outsiders, so you should include them in the expectation generation process.

You can do this by asking them what they expect from you and then telling them what you expect from them. You can generate these class rules together and put them up on the wall.



There are numerous classroom management problems that teachers face every day. And when they think they have got everything under control, it’s already the end of the year, and they’re welcoming a new batch of students and a new set of classroom issues.

It can be quite frustrating and make educators lose their love for teaching. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We hope these solutions help you run your classroom smoothly and provide an excellent learning experience to your students.

At LEAD Powered Schools we provide teachers will all the necessary tools and support to enable them to improve their teaching effectiveness. Through advanced technology tools, regular training and development, and access to a large network of teachers, we make sure our teachers become Super Teachers.

About the author

Siddharth is a Senior Content Executive in the Content Marketing Team at LEAD School. He is an alumnus of Delhi University and has been working as a Content Writer/Copywriter for the past 7 years in Ed-Tech and various other industries. He truly believes in LEAD's mission of providing excellent education and works tirelessly towards it, every day.

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