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Is smart classroom concept enough to combat the ongoing crisis?

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“To understand their world we must be willing to immerse ourselves in that world. We must embrace the new digital reality. If we can’t relate, if we don’t get it, we won’t be able to make schools relevant to the current and future needs of the digital generation.”, said Ian Jukes, a teacher, an administrator, writer, consultant, university instructor, and keynote speaker.

Currently, India is witnessing the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation has made severe interruptions in the daily lives of every individual, with a significant effect on the education sector with school closures. Most schools are switching to online learning or hybrid learning to provide education to children without any disruption.

The smart classroom concept has become the ‘new normal’. Since the crisis is devastating, schools are becoming technologically advanced to combat this disruption efficiently. Before this crisis, online learning was a distant dream for educators, children and management alike. However, as technology leaps, one can access 100% schooling sitting at home. Students can finish their academic year, and other stakeholders can manage school functioning with a single click.

The number of benefits available after embracing the smart classroom concept in schools has bought positive outcomes. In the ongoing crisis, it was impossible to imagine learning. But the setup of digital classrooms provided interactive learning and access to lessons, live sessions, online tools, etc. Parents who were earlier given feedback only in the PTA can now access their child’s reports and grades online. School owners also get access to management software that further helps them handle their day-to-day activities from home.

Is a smart classroom concept enough to provide education to students? 

Let us see the benefits of setting up the digital classroom in the school and how it ensures access to complete school at home-

  • Novel learning techniques

The primary concern in the education sector was the continuation of learning during a pandemic. The aid of smart learning tools allowed children to learn from home. Teachers can interactively deliver a lesson. Animation, multimedia and other digital tools help teachers to engage with the students better.

  • Active participation of teachers and students 

In a time of crisis, teachers were reluctant to use the online platforms initially. However, the training from the schools and easy use of the software built their interest. Schools adopting the smart classroom concept found that teachers and students could interact better than in traditional classroom settings.

  • Filling the lockdown gaps

The closure of schools stressed parents due to the discontinuation of the studies. However, schools with the aid of an online learning system bridged the gap between students and teachers created due to lockdown. Children sitting at home can utilise resources for their self-growth.

  • Parent-teacher interaction

For complete access to school, parent-teacher interaction is crucial. From time to time, feedback from teachers gives an update to parents about their child’s progress. The smart learning concept and the adoption of online tools allow parents to access report cards and grades from the portal. Virtual PTM bridged the communication gap and enhanced interaction between parents and teachers.

With advanced tools and innovations, the smart classroom concept proved to be successful in offering lessons online. Most of the children found online learning interactive than the traditional learning approach. This revolution is leading to technology’s acceptance in almost every school.

Is a smart classroom concept here to stay?

Yes, and that’s clearly understood looking at the current crisis. The pandemic affecting the ongoing and the following year will demand the need for a smart classroom. With its worldwide acceptance, parents are trusting online education and smart schools. The guaranteed outcome through smart learning has further led to its demand among children.

The current situation can be embraced as an opportunity to adopt a better version of learning and teaching. Smart learning has led to interrupted education with quality learning.

How LEAD offers a seamless transition to online learning?

LEAD’s integrated online-offline strategy makes learning simple via a combination of learning at home and school. When students come to school, their educators teach them from similar curriculum and lesson plans, and at home, they can progress from where the educator left off at school. With zero learning loss, students are well-prepared to deal with future challenges.

 Smart classroom concept

LEAD School @Home features makes learning easier for children at home. Students can access live sessions, recorded lessons anytime, anywhere. LEAD has simplified various school processes like fee payment, handling schools in times of crisis, keeping a record of students and teachers, juggling between several departments, ensuring quality learning, trained teachers, engaged parents etc. LEAD empowers students with hybrid learning and makes the transition seamless for children.

LEAD is transforming schools by making children future-ready. To make yours a LEAD powered school: Partner with us today

About the author

Manasa is a Branding and Communication Manager at LEAD. She is an Asian College of Journalism alumnus and a former Teach for India Fellow. Manasa has also completed her MBA in marketing from Deakin University. She strongly believes that education has the power to shake the world and is excited to be a part of LEAD’s transformational journey.

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