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LEAD’s Summer Camp 2021 is here!

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Since March 2020, children have been highly impacted by the COVID-19 lockdown. They have had to juggle online and offline learning. From a complete lockdown when schools were closed and no learning was happening, things have now slowly moved to an online learning situation where students are getting interesting audio-visual learning experiences at home. Despite all the measures taken by school authorities, most children have still suffered a severe learning loss.

While some children took longer than others to switch to online learning, many others have not had access to mobile devices and have hence lost out on learning opportunities. This summer break is an excellent opportunity for teachers and parents to help bridge this learning gap and LEAD is here to help with our exciting and challenging Summer Camp 2021.

What is LEAD’s Summer Camp 2021 all about?

1-3As a part of the Summer Camp, LEAD has created a 6-week-long program filled with 12 delightful activities for a relaxing and engaging holiday. Students from over 2000 partner schools get to engage and learn during this camp. Every activity has been carefully planned to engage all types of students and to stimulate their brains and creativity.

These activities are released on the LEAD Student and Parent App on a bi-weekly basis. One activity is sent to the students on Tuesday and another one on Friday. They are respectively called Tinkering Tuesday and Funky Friday activities.

The time away from school over the last year has created a huge impact on young minds. Apart from the learning loss, they have also lost multiple opportunities to socially interact with peers and learn from applying their learning. This Summer Camp has been strategically planned to provide them with such engaging activities and application-based learning opportunities.

While the activities might seem like simple, fun-filled ones, they are actually designed by our curriculum and pedagogy experts to close the learning gaps to cover the most critical grade-specific learning areas.

We encourage parents to download the LEAD Student and Parent App if they wish to provide their wards with a fruitful summer vacation. To download the app: Click here

How does the Summer Camp help bridge learning gaps?

The academic year 2020-21 was very different due to the COVID-19 lockdown. As this pandemic-hit academic year slowly comes to an end, it is time for us to mitigate the huge learning loss problem. Children are all set to enjoy their summer break and want to take a break from the rigorous online learning classes. They are, however, always ready to have a fun, engaging and exciting learning experience.

At LEAD, we believe that these summer months are vital and we need to ensure students engage in well-structured activities so that they can be gently eased back into schools next academic year. If teachers and parents fail to address this learning loss problem at this juncture, it could become a long-lasting issue that impacts a child’s entire schooling journey.

All the activities can be accessed by students using the LEAD Student App. On the homepage, they will find a Summer Camp card that lets children start an interactive six-week journey. The activities are designed such that students can complete them using simple household items. While some activities are individual tasks, some others may require adult supervision and/or assistance.
Completed activities can be submitted via the App as an image or a video. Every submission becomes a part of the child’s documented personal journey. Apart from engaging and learning, children also get an opportunity to win some exciting prizes.

If a child completes all the activities and uploads them via the LEAD Student App, then they get a special LEAD Summer Camp certificate. The school with the most number of students completing all activities gets a special reward as well.

Give your students the LEAD Summer Camp advantage

If you want to provide your students with the LEAD Summer Camp program then contact a LEAD representative today on +91 86820 00998.

If you are an existing school partner, then simply talk to your school’s Academic Excellence Manager (AEM) to know more about the activities.

For parents whose children are not yet a part of a LEAD Powered School, you can browse through this page and find a 100% Complete School in a locality near you. Click here to know more.

We encourage parents to download the LEAD Student and Parent App if they wish to provide their wards with a fruitful summer vacation. To download the app: Click here

About the author

Manasa is a Branding and Communication Manager at LEAD. She is an Asian College of Journalism alumnus and a former Teach for India Fellow. Manasa has also completed her MBA in marketing from Deakin University. She strongly believes that education has the power to shake the world and is excited to be a part of LEAD’s transformational journey.

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