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Lo and behold, LEAD Premier League 2021 is here!

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Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures.

Summer is for adventures. Summer is for harnessing your curiosity. Finally, summer is strictly reserved for making unforgettable memories. 

As soon as summer arrives, we, adults, love complaining about the enduring summer heat. Much unlike us, children luckily have a livelier and simpler outlook. For them, summer vacation means more time with friends. It also means dashing out of the house to play lagori or gully cricket for hours without being summoned early. Childhood is, indeed, sweet.

However, thanks to the pandemic, these grand plans have been called off due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This looming uncertainty has made most of us homebound and our children are awfully restless. To resolve this problem, LEAD wanted to organise a national level event for our partner schools and students. With this idea lingering in our mind, LEAD Premier League (LPL) 2021 was created. The LPL2021  will take off on 11th May and go on till the 10th of June.

What is LEAD Premier League?

LPL gives a larger platform for LEAD Powered Schools to engage and provide students with uninterrupted learning. By driving schools to earn points and rewards, the LPL attempts to enliven that competitive spirit within them.

Schools simply have to encourage their students to install and log into the LEAD Parent App. Based on the percentage of installs, schools earn points on the scoreboard.

Pro-tip : Schools can also win bonus points by motivating students to use the Practice with Friends (PwF) feature. 

LEAD Premier League is designed to rejuvenate schools from all corners of India and motivate students to bridge the learning gap that they encountered since the advent of this pandemic. This offering could be a small yet helpful respite from the challenging situation that surrounds all of us currently.

How does the LPL benefit students?

  • Uninterrupted Learning

According to a report by Azim Premji University, 92% of children on average have lost at least one specific language ability from the previous year, across all classes.  82% of children on average have also lost at least one specific mathematical ability from the previous year, across all classes.

The gravity of this situation and its repercussions on students summons action on our part. Via LPL, by urging students to use the LEAD Student and Parent App, schools will pave way for continued learning without delays.

  • More engagement, more fun
    Parents’ anxiety regarding their child’s education is only escalating. Hence, a week before LPL, LEAD also kicked off the LEAD Summer Camp program whose sole intent was to enable and engage students in fun learning. LEAD Summer Camp will continue to promote this educational agenda through biweekly activities that will be sent to students via the LEAD Student and Parent App. Children from over 3000 partner schools have an exclusive opportunity to put their creative hats on while they learn, engage and enjoy with each other even from afar.
  • Hindi _ Is your school ready for the LEAD Premier League_ 0-37 screenshotBetter preparation for the next academic year
    It’s never a better time to be proactively prepared for the future. Using the PwF feature ensures children are practising daily for the next academic year. Additionally,  it allows them to challenge opponents, use flashcards and do much more, thereby instilling confidence in their learning and enhancing their social skills.
  • Minimise learning loss
    The havoc caused by the pandemic has adversely affected countless children. They have had certain abilities dwindled due to lack of engagement. According to reports, the number of these students continues to spike in marginalised families. To compensate for this learning loss, students must invest extended hours in their curriculum and seek ancillary support from teachers. Educators have a crucial role in guiding young minds based on their learning levels. As the LPL has schools pushing students to complete activities, it will reduce the learning loss as students will actively participate in studying.

How can schools track progress and win?

  • You can access state and national rankings on the LEAD Premier League website.
  • For every 1% of students downloading and logging into the app, your school gets 10 points.
  • The school can also earn 5 bonus points for every 1% of students using the ‘Practice with Friends’ feature on the LEAD Student and Parent App.


Join the Education Revolution 
LEAD offers an integrated system to its partner schools to improve student learning outcomes and prepare them for the exam of life. We believe in empowering every stakeholder in a child’s life to provide them with an ideal learning environment that helps them thrive.

If you want to provide your students with affordable, accessible and world-class education, then contact a LEAD representative today on +91 86828 33333.

LEAD is transforming schools by making children future-ready. To know more about our mission: Visit our website today

About the author

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