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Teacher training in India gets a revamp with technology

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I remember how in the session of 2008-09, I and my friends used to queue up outside the computer lab and auditorium, just to get a break from ‘monotonous’ classes. In a week, access to one smart class was all we got and, we were HAPPY!

Who knew a few years later, the education sector will get revolutionised unimaginably. Thanks to the intervention of smart learning in the sector that has made not just a ‘few’ but all classes smart.

90’s generation envy GENZ!

Teaching beyond blackboards

As the education sector got hampered earlier this year because of the global pandemic and classes shifted online, loopholes in traditional teaching got exposed. Teachers were not proficient to teach online and failed to show any result. The sudden switch was causing catastrophe to the sector.

These days besides the traditional degrees and certificates that teachers are expected to have, one must also be qualified enough to conduct online classes, because ‘the latter’ is here to stay.

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The normal has been redefined!

2020 has changed how we have defined ‘normal’ all our lives, With the norms of social distancing, right from travelling to education, the ‘new’ can get overwhelming.

To save the education sector from a sharp plunge, a few schools in India started training teachers to keep up with the novel facet of the sector. Here, teachers are trained to conduct engaging remote classes besides helping children psychologically who already are bearing the brunt of the crisis sitting at home.

If a teacher is not well-equipped to deal with these criteria, chances are the degrees and certificates will be considered null and void!

A teacher who knows how to juggle between her classes, manage between various subjects, and keep a track of students’ performance efficiently, will be called a successful teacher in a post-pandemic era.

According to UNICEF, “Some teachers only share material to students without teaching it. Online testing is sometimes based on the principle of “work it out yourself”. Students are not acquiring real, long-lasting knowledge.”

To deal with the new menace in hand, teachers are unprepared. They need proper training to use online tools and platforms.

Teacher training in India has seen a novel inclusion of aspects that have been ignored for a long time. Earlier, teachers were getting trained in how to manage a traditional class. With the traditional aspect of education coming to a halt, teacher training in India now is more about handling remote classes, deploying effective ways to study, and helping kids cope with the stress caused by school closures. This training also equips teachers to make students self-reliant that goes a long way.

Teacher training in India

Where there’s a skill, there’s a way!    

How is LEAD training teachers to gain proficiency during online learning? 

LEAD aims to build the largest community of teachers in India under the umbrella of Lead Teacher Academy.

LEAD also offers the LEAD Certification Program for Teachers that is devised to further enable them and strengthen their abilities, especially during the ongoing tough times.

The one day program is divided into three segments:

  • Values: Growth mindset and being the cause
  • Best Practices of Online Teaching
  • Helping students cope during this pandemic

With the LEAD, all classrooms get converted into smart classrooms through a smart tv and a teacher excellence kit. So instead of a few smart classrooms, you have every class enabled for visual learning.

Along with the teacher training, the teacher app is loaded with resources for various purposes such as helping them understand how the activity has to be conducted or a concept has to be taught.

LEAD has been at the forefront in bringing the revolution in the education space.

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About the author

Manasa is a Branding and Communication Manager at LEAD. She is an Asian College of Journalism alumnus and a former Teach for India Fellow. Manasa has also completed her MBA in marketing from Deakin University. She strongly believes that education has the power to shake the world and is excited to be a part of LEAD’s transformational journey.

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