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Top 5 classroom management tips to conduct an effective class

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Are you stressed about the unruly and undisciplined class? Things are going out of your hand every other day, and you are clueless about how to deliver effective lessons? As a teacher, classroom or training organiser, often you might find that things do not go as smoothly as planned. As more and more classrooms embrace hybrid and online learning environments, the need for smart management techniques increases.

Classroom management that works is the holy grail for many stressed-out teachers. So how do you go about looking for an effective management plan that works to lower inappropriate student behaviour? All teachers are unique, with different teaching styles. Hence, it requires a different solution to handle inappropriate student behaviour. Planning always helps to be prepared for challenging situations and helps you to handle class effectively.

A survey conducted jointly by scholastic magazine and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation highlights the significance of effective classroom behaviour management to a teacher’s feeling of professional satisfaction and success. The survey further discovered that 100% of teachers identify management as a crucial skill of a great teacher.

Today, whether you conduct a class in hybrid or online mode, you need to handle students in the best possible way. Teachers who follow the classroom management tips are likely to get better results.

Much has been written on how to develop effective classroom management. It seems as if each year, fresh ideas are put forth that may or may not work. Management of the classroom does not mean that your students are silent with books open, and a noisy classroom does not mean there is a lack of management with no learning taking place.

Do not go in a rush mode when your classes are going out of hand and students aren’t listening to you. These classroom management tips would help you to regain control and deliver a proper learning system-

  •       Encourage initiative 

Teachers should promote a growth mindset and include variety in the lesson by allowing kids to work ahead and deliver short presentations to take away the points. Almost inevitably, you will have some eager learners in your classroom. Asking them if they like to get ahead from time to time might generate interest in other students to strive a bit more.

  •       Praise whenever possible

Praise students for their good work, as doing so enhances the academic and behavioural performance of the child. Perhaps more importantly, it motivates kids to repeat positive behaviour. It is one of the highly used classroom management tips.  Let’s say a child exemplifies advanced problem-solving skills while solving a math problem. Praising his or her use of particular tactics should go a long way in ensuring he or she continues to use these strategies.

  •       Let kids establish guidelines

Motivate all students to help you build classroom rules, as that will create faith and trust rather than just telling them what they’re not permitted to do.

At the beginning of every academic session, start a discussion by asking the class what they believe should and shouldn’t fly. What are acceptable levels of noise during lessons? Having a discussion leads to mutual understanding.

  •       Give parents positive feedback

Keep kids happy in and out of class by pleasantly surprising their parents, making positive calls and sending letters home. Congratulate a kid for his or her work that will also entice parents to grow more invested in their child’s learning.

  •       Build excitement for content

Teachers in an online setting must start lessons by previewing exciting parts that hook student interest. It is one of the effective classroom management tips that will help you deliver classes without any issue.

‘Classroom Management’ Skill, a must for teachers?

Discipline often comes to mind when we hear about classroom management, but the vital teaching component is much more.

Today, people opting for the teaching profession must be well-versed with technology and hone the skills required to handle class online and offline. Can schools help in effective management? Absolutely!

Training is vital, not only on core pedagogy but also to guide educators in managing more diverse classrooms. Schools can organise training sessions for teachers to help them manage the class effectively.

How does LEAD ensure an effective classroom management system?

Classroom management tipsLEAD is one of the leading integrated management solutions which has made effective classroom management possible. The teacher app by LEAD comes installed in the teacher excellent kit that includes high-quality lesson plans. Unlike in traditional lessons, digital content involves slides, images, videos etc., to make it engaging.

LEAD offers qualitative benefits and makes learning possible anytime, anywhere. Kids have access to tools for optimal skill growth and get hands-on training that surpasses traditional education. With LEAD’s integrated system, schools can deliver uninterrupted quality learning online and in school while using world-class teaching pedagogies to achieve an excellent outcome for every child. Also, LEAD enables continuity in teaching – online, offline, or hybrid – while ensuring the best teaching standards and guaranteed results.

LEAD is transforming schools by making children future-ready. To make yours a LEAD powered school: Partner with us today

About the author

Manasa is a Branding and Communication Manager at LEAD. She is an Asian College of Journalism alumnus and a former Teach for India Fellow. Manasa has also completed her MBA in marketing from Deakin University. She strongly believes that education has the power to shake the world and is excited to be a part of LEAD’s transformational journey.

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