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5 frequently asked questions about school management softwares

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A school management software is an administrative tool for educational institutions that helps them manage their daily tasks through automation. In technical terms, it is also known as school ERP software.

Using software for school management is not a novel idea in the education sector. However, the use of such software in the Indian education system is relatively new. Schools in India are slowly realizing that manual handling of school tasks is prone to error and hampers the productivity of the entire staff. With the growing adoption of online systems, schools are now beginning to wonder if they should also go for a school management software.

While choosing the best school management software, school owners typically have a lot of questions on their minds. Through this article, we will answer the five most frequently asked questions about school management software that can help you make the right decision:

  • Can software for school management automate the entire school processes and operations?

The short (and sweet) answer is YES. A school management software digitizes and automates all major school tasks such as administrative, teaching, curriculum management, student attendance, student information, fee record management, homework management and others.

  • Does a school management software help manage learning content?

A software for school management typically creates a centralized repository of all learning materials that the school creates and uses. The learning materials are generally categorized as per classes, subjects, and in some cases, also by the difficulty level of the material. Teachers have easy access to all these learning materials and can judiciously decide which assignment to assign to which student.

With the LEAD teacher’s app, teachers have centralized access to all lesson plans, lesson content, overall syllabus framework, and all other timely notifications that they need.

  • What can the school’s top management expect from a software for school management?

The greatest advantage of school management software is the fingertip access to every child’s academic records. The days of dusty record rooms where records of students from 50 years past were kept are slowly fading away. In fact, most school management software comes with an extremely user-friendly and unintimidating interface that allows better management of all kinds of records and files digitally. This allows for centralized data management with easy access even from a remote system. Also, with a few settings, you can ensure the highest level of security for all student and school records. The whole system becomes less people-dependent which in turn improves turnaround time for all processes.

With LEAD, the School Owner App brings every detail and process of your school at your fingertips enabling you to take effective and informed decisions in the least amount of time.

How can a software for school management engage parents?

One of the biggest complaints about traditional schooling from parents is they get to know the strengths and weaknesses of their children only when some kind of exams are held. By using good software for school management, the school can ensure that parents get regular updates about the child’s academic progress and assessment reports. In addition, parents also get access to the child’s daily attendance reports, past fees records, and upcoming reminders. This leads to the active participation of parents in all school activities and enables better informed parent-teacher discussions. Last but not the least, parents automatically get updates on school events and holidays without having to call the school front desk.

With LEAD’s Parent App, every parent can continuously monitor the progress of their children in real-time.

  • What is the role of a software for school management in improving the pedagogical skills of teachers? 

An informed teacher is the best teacher. A software for school management gives teachers easy access to students’ attendance and academic records. This helps teachers in tracking a child’s progress much more efficiently. This helps teachers to connect and interact with the parents more effectively and productively. The more information the teachers have about the students they teach, the better they are at ensuring that even the weakest child is taken care of.

In addition, by using software for school management, the whole task of student assessment can be automated and made more efficient. Also, some of the most basic and time taking processes, like attendance management gets automated. Management of lecture plans, timetables, and assessments becomes easier.

In addition to all of the above, LEAD can boost your school presence and increase enrollment in a simple 3-step process:

  1. Highlight your school in front of parents through our National Brand Campaign on TV and in newspapers
  2. Lead parents to a dedicated school listing page and capture their interest in your school
  3. Setup of LEAD experience hub and parent orientation by LEAD experts at your school to maximize conversion

LEAD aims to ensure that holistic and excellent learning is accessible and affordable to every child in India. Therefore, the LEAD software for school management is not limited to just the school’s administration, but also facilitates a world-class curriculum for children through its technology integrated solutions.

LEAD is transforming schools by making children future-ready. To make yours a LEAD powered school: Click here

About the author

Akhilash Kumar

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