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Digital classes in school help 21st-century kids beyond academics

Outside the standard framework of school learning, there lie myriad opportunities for students to learn new skills and nurture their latent talent. Extracurricular activities in schools play a crucial role in child development—after all, learning cannot be confined to textbooks or 4-walled classrooms.

Back in 1659, when James Howell coined the proverb, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, little did he know its relevance would resonate across centuries. Whenever a study is conducted about countries with the most hardworking populace, India makes it to the cut more often than not. That said, one cannot merely ignore the monotony that hard work brings with it. Even brilliant minds need a break in whatever form to disconnect, rejuvenate before finally striking back. Albert Einstein developed the most famous equation ever written, E=mc2, but his interest in music and violin gave him time to disengage from his ‘intellectual life’, providing ample time to re-energise. He later became a Nobel prize-winning physicist (his brain was stolen to post his demise).

Likewise, a student’s life is no less taxing. Many times, students struggle to find their textbooks and curriculum interesting. Irrespective of schools’ most compelling and tactful ways to keep learning interesting, students look for a more concrete motivating factor. Digital classes in schools offer various opportunities for students to thrive and learn via different mediums.

While students certainly can develop passion and hobbies for sports and music, schools should also do their bit by making an academic calendar enjoyable and invent ways to give them a break from monotony through various championships, competitions and masterclasses.

Schools can organise multiple activities beyond their curriculum too to meet learners’ interests. These activities can help them develop social and soft skills and promote well-being. In an age where the holistic development of students is emphasised more than ever, it’s time for schools to flex their models to suit various needs of children, help keep the curriculum interesting, keep them engaged, and boost learning and develop personal assets such as self-esteem. Digital classes in schools are the new-age solution to cater to the needs of 21st-century students.

How does LEAD help in helping students learn beyond their curriculum?

Keeping in mind the relevance of extracurricular activities in students’ lives, LEAD offers its unique MasterClass.

Learning sessions by world-renowned experts equip children with skills to succeed in life.  LEAD brings ‘MasterClass’, an initiative to enable propulsive learning for students. Students would be able to attend exclusive MasterClasses and learn straight from leading domain experts, subject matter experts, educationists and celebrities who have left a mark with their exemplary work in this world

Digital classes

This program intends to enable students to learn from the best in the industry. They will learn Creative Writing, Yoga, Public Speaking, Art & Craft, Mental Math, Personality Development, Music, Drama & Theatre

Digital classes have changed how education is imparted in schools and have opened up avenues never tried before. Students need more than one way to learn and disconnect from their monotonous curriculum. So give your school a revamp with LEAD.

LEAD is helping children become future-ready. To enrol your child in a LEAD Powered School: Fill the admission form now

About the author

Neha Bhandari is a Brand Manager at LEAD. With a contribution in building brands across the media and BFSI industry, she has made it to the Pitch Marketing 30under30 list. She holds a postgraduate degree in Marketing from KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research. Neha strongly believes that education is the biggest investment of a child's future and she wishes to revolutionise the ecosystem with LEAD.

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