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What are the benefits of online schooling | LEAD

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Online learning is not new. However, for decades, online learning especially for school going children was considered a supplementary way of learning. Pandemic-induced lockdowns changed this perspective. Though a lot of people were reluctant to accept it as the new normal, eventually they had to accept it because it was the only option to avoid the enormous learning losses the students were about to face.

In this blog, we will take a look at what are the top 3 benefits of online schooling and how it can help transform the education system for good:

  • Revisit lectures

There is an option to record online lectures. So if a student misses a class due to any reason, they can revisit it anytime they want. In offline classes, this is not possible. In offline classes, when a child falls sick or has an emergency at home, they have no option apart from referring to the notes shared by their friends or simply reading from the textbook. Online schooling is beneficial for students to avoid any such learning losses due to unavoidable circumstances.

At LEAD Powered Schools, students are equipped with the LEAD Student App. The app enables children to watch both live classes and recorded ones. Users can view day-to-day classes below the ‘Attend your class’ option on the main ‘Learn’ dashboard. Simultaneously, they can also explore the ‘Change date’ option to rewatch classes in order to revise.

  • Saves time

One of the significant benefits of online schooling is the non-requirement of traveling. Not only does it save time, but also save energy spent by children in doing to and fro from school. Certainly, the peer learning they get in school is important, but if you look at the brighter side, a lot of children save at least 1-2 hours of travel time and exertion due to online schooling. This time can be used elsewhere, such as play or even rest.

Even for teachers, online schooling reduces the time spent in doing manual tasks such as taking attendance. If the school has an integrated learning system, they can simply punch their attendance on their apps. Even if the classes are being conducted on zoom they can simply type their names in the chatbox and the teacher can note it down. There is no need for the teacher to spend 10-15 minutes calling out everyone’s name to note down the daily attendance. Other tasks like collecting assignments or following up on homework can be done automatically by the reminders on student apps, which are part of integrated learning systems.

  • Increased accessibility

With online schooling, quality education is no longer limited to the best schools and the metro cities only. With both supplementary edtech solutions as well as online school systems, now it is possible for students even from tier 2 or 3 towns to access equally good quality of education from the comfort of their homes. This goes further in helping reduce the education inequality in India. Even as mentioned before, students who do not get to attend classes regularly need not miss out on the learnings. They can always go back to the recordings or other study material to catch up. This is especially true in the case of students who fall sick often or even students who cannot attend their classes regularly due to extracurricular involvement such as sports practice.


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About the author

Mohini is a Product Manager at LEAD School. She is an IIT Bombay alumnus. Her love of solving problems drives her as a product manager. Her varied experience of products across industries allows her to have multiple outlooks on every problem. She is a strong believer of the butterfly effect, and hence keeps making small efforts for the big changes and is excited to be a part of LEAD School.

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