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Why is there a need for the school curriculum to constantly innovate?

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William Blake had said, “What is now proved was once only imagined,” and in his defence, we didn’t expect technology to drive our lives some 20 years ago the way it does today. Sure, we envisaged some breakthroughs but relying on it for livelihood, sustenance, NO!

That said, technology has been a constant reminder to humanity how things must evolve else they perish. Innovation has been at the heart of a lot of businesses and is now an intrinsic part of the education sector.

Thanks to NEP 2020 because of which some shifts underway in current educational practices and policymaking.

Training next-gen innovators

The post-modern era demands active experimentation around curriculum and teaching methods to keep up with the time. UNESCO validates the need for innovation in education and pedagogy and says, “Never before has humankind experienced an era of such rapid change or had to deal with such a range of practical and ethical risks as a consequence of this change. Never before have educators needed to prepare young people for lives in such an unpredictable and challenging global context.”

Learning is unique to every individual and a curriculum that’s not flexible and is based on rote learning will promote mindless learning. A curriculum that has aspects like quizzes, coding, pictorial and abstract methods, extra-curricular activities, will enhance analytical skills along with the sharpening of academic ones.

Teachers play an instrumental role in curriculum innovation as they create unique learning trajectories for children to learn from.

No longer can we rely on old learning methods and expect children to achieve miracles. Miracles are only possible when education is deeply grounded in skills that are crisis-proof and transcends relevance through decades.

Education needs to be rethought in a world that’s full of complexities and uncertainties. As COVID-19 is taking forever to leave its grip, there is a possibility of several decades of progress getting wiped out. Hence, we must not submissively sit.

LEAD’s curriculum is more than what Indian schools expect. 

school curriculumLEAD and its innovative take on education are changing the narrative for the sector. LEAD is also perfectly aligned with the New Education Policy 2020 and facilitates the government’s agenda of modern learning. With its unique approach to every subject, LEAD schools do better than others.

    • English Language & General Awareness (ELGA): Students are taught based on their current English skill levels designed by proprietary pedagogy to enable accelerated language learning.
    • Mathematics: Concrete-pictorial-abstract approach is taken to make students relate math problems with their lives.
    • Science & EVS: Students are taught using the learning-by-doing approach to develop a strong foundation & enable knowledge application outside the classroom.

school curriculum

  • Social Sciences: The visualize-locate-connect approach enables students to connect to current events via videos, projects, visits & map work.
  • CCS – Coding and Computational Skills: Pedagogy through Use-Think-Build approach to make students future-ready and creative problem solvers.
  • Sampoorna Hindi: Hindi is taught using the Component-based approach for language learning with General Awareness and Values incorporated as a part of the curriculum.
  • Pre-Primary Design: Integrated theme-based approach which develops cognitive, motor, personal-social-emotional skills for school readiness.
  • Life Skills & Co-curricular: Student-led conferences & movements along with yoga, physical education, visual & performing arts for the holistic development of students bringing APS on par with HFP1 Schools.

LEAD is transforming schools by making children future-ready. To make yours a LEAD powered school: Partner with us today

About the author

Manasa is a Branding and Communication Manager at LEAD. She is an Asian College of Journalism alumnus and a former Teach for India Fellow. Manasa has also completed her MBA in marketing from Deakin University. She strongly believes that education has the power to shake the world and is excited to be a part of LEAD’s transformational journey.

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