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Tips For Parents To Help Your Chid Prepare Exams

“Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same amount of hours per day that were given to… Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Albert Einstein.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

With the end of the academic year fast approaching in many countries, many questions remain unsolved for students and parents alike. Surrounded by ambiguity and dealing with the aftermath of 2020, preparing for exams this year seems more challenging.  

In this article, we have listed down ways for parents to help their kids come out of this scary time victoriously:

This is when children need the most support from their parents and should be given that at all times.

  • Maintain a routine for your child

No doubt, owing to the disruption in the traditional classes, children’s routine has been interrupted. You should help your child balance between his classes, study time, and playtime. Online classes clubbed with extra-curricular activities give time for children to unwind and relax. 

  • Use charts and diagrams

The traditional education model is not very impactful, and kids seldom can hold on to a subject for long. Give your child the liberty to study from various charts and diagrams which are pictorial and keeps them engrossed. With pictorial graphics, your child can solve some of the most intricate and complicated subjects.  

  • Practice old exams:

One of the most effective ways to secure good marks is to practice old papers. This can help your child with the exam format and how they can solve them. Children can also time themselves to finish the exam on time. 

  • Experiment with revision technique:

Going through the same thing over and again can bring monotony, and children can eventually lose interest. To make sure they are engaged at all times, you can help your kid adapt various revision techniques. Right from the traditional way of revision to organising a group study with friends can help your child break the boredom. 

  • Take the help of technology

With the advent of technology in schools, revision has become much easier. Earlier, students had to rely on teachers and in-person lectures if they had any doubt. But with the help of integrated academic platforms, children can go through their weak areas again and again with recorded lectures.  

Prepare for exams

The World Economic Forum also believes that it’s time for old learning methods to exit. “Research tells us that learning is particularly strong when students self-test. Rather than passively reading and remembering by rote, we want our students to study by forming appropriate questions, searching memory for relevant responses, and knitting this information together into an appropriate answer,” explains We Forum.

How LEAD-powered schools prepare students for excellent results 

Prepare for exams

Assessment at LEAD School helps students cover their learning gaps before progressing to the next unit. There are three big exams, the beginning of year assessment, BOY- in the first year of partnership, all students in SKG and above undertake BOY for ELGA and maths. In the middle of the year, assessment, MOY is conducted after the completion of 4 units. The end-of-year assessment, EOY, is conducted after the completion of all units in a year. zz

LEAD handholds a school and helps them combat every challenge they face daily. The idea is to give an uplift to the old ways of learning and assessing. 

With a theme-based comprehensive curriculum, unique Concept-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach, Learn-by-Doing module, and Extra-Curricular Activities, kids at LEAD are better equipped than their peers. 

Not just that, LEAD understands that every child is unique and has different learning patterns. Keeping this in mind, remedial sessions are offered where students hone the areas they face difficulty in and master it like other subjects. With LEAD, nothing is impossible. 

LEAD is transforming education in India by helping children become ready for the exam of life. To enrol your child in a LEAD powered school: Fill the admission form now

About the author

Manasa is a Branding and Communication Manager at LEAD. She is an Asian College of Journalism alumnus and a former Teach for India Fellow. Manasa has also completed her MBA in marketing from Deakin University. She strongly believes that education has the power to shake the world and is excited to be a part of LEAD’s transformational journey.

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