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How will NEP 2020 impact school education in India?


How will NEP 2020 impact school education in India?

Last Updated On: 10/02/2023

Neha Bhandari

School Owner

National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 aims to transform education while keeping the learner at the centre. The NEP builds on recommendations from the Education Commission (1964–66) and Justice J. S. Verma Commission (2012) as well as the previous version of the policy – National Policy on Education 1986, modified in 1992 (NPE 1986/92).

The NEP 2020 is a big step in the right direction as it focuses on the holistic development of students by ensuring access, relevance, equity, quality and strong foundational learning.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know, the more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” —Dr. Seuss.

In this article

Vision of the NEP 2020


8 Meaningful NEP 2020 Impact


How is LEAD Already Aligned With NEP 2020?

Vision of the NEP 2020

The NEP has provided a much-needed revision and reform agenda by indicating a new vision for educational institutions. It has laid out the framework for a radical transformation in how education is offered, creating new opportunities for those involved in the field of education while guaranteeing that every Indian child of school age has access to and receives a high-quality, equitable education.

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8 Meaningful NEP 2020 Impact

The impact of NEP 2020 on school education in India is going to be immense as the following are the suggested changes which will be implemented:


  • Changed pedagogy: NEP 2020 impact includes a change in the structure of curriculum and pedagogy. It is now 5+3+3+4, which expands to 5 (foundational) + 3 (preparatory) + 3 (middle) + 4 (secondary). 

  • Every child in school by 2030: Every kid from the age of 3 to 18 will have access to quality education once the NEP is fully implemented, either through public or private schools. By offering alternatives for entry and exit into the educational system, more than 3.22 crore out-of-school children will be brought into the official education system.

  • Fewer students from socioeconomically disadvantaged groups will drop out: As part of NEP 2020 impact, there will be fewer dropouts as the increased options available to students from Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Groups include the creation of Special Education Zones, a Gender Inclusion Fund, and improved access to open and distance learning options.

  • Changing the way students learn: The most significant effect of NEP will be on the student learning process. The policy advocates switching from the existing rote-learning-based system to a more activity-based, experiential learning methodology. As a result, the educational system will be able to incorporate new curricular and technological advancements that will facilitate the transition to a more individualised, student-centric model.

  • Developing skills for future jobs: NEP has advised a reform in curriculum and methodology to ensure that children are learning higher-order cognitive skills, 21st-century skills, mathematical and computational thinking, and critical thinking skills, among others. NEP 2020 impact would entail developing skills which will produce a workforce that is better prepared for the future and able to fulfil the shifting demands of future jobs.

  • Assessments inform teaching-learning in schools: One of the most important components of NEP 2020 impact is shifting focus from annual exams toward a system of formative assessments to enhance the teaching-learning process.

  • Students demonstrate competency in multiple ways: Students will be less anxious about exams and be able to exhibit what they have learned to the best of their abilities with multiple assessments throughout the year. NEP 2020 impact will also have a greater focus on demonstrative learning and a low-stakes board test in Grade 10.

  • All teachers are to be trained and professionally developed in ten years: The NEP’s goal is to have all teachers professionally educated or certified by the year 2030, which is one of its major impact areas. If put into practice, all teachers from Anganwadi levels up to secondary school will possess the requisite credentials and adhere to a set of uniform professional standards, which represents a considerable improvement over the current system.


NEP 2020 impacts will bring a positive change in school education in India as these changes have been long overdue and will contribute to futuristic education.

NEP 2020: Holistic Learning and Curricular Integration

NEP 2020: New Academic Structure and Early Childhood Care & Education

How is LEAD Already Aligned With NEP 2020?

LEAD EdTech solutions are globally relevant and designed to help students. It keeps itself abreast with new changes just like how it offers solutions and services according to NEP 2020 impact

  • International Standard Curriculum: LEAD’s curriculum is benchmarked with Singapore & US education systems. It is also more integrated, student-focused, application-based, and multi-modal to help children become more confident and future-ready.
  • Smart Classrooms: These pave the way for interactive learning, which engages students’ visual and auditory senses. Unlike traditional education, smart classroom help improves conceptual understanding as they develop students’ curiosity and makes learning more interesting.
  • Super Teachers: LEAD teachers are fully certified and are equipped with a teacher tablet loaded with lesson plans, audiovisual resources, and training resources. Readily available teaching tools and helpful resources make teachers capable of spearheading this change.
  • Coding & Computational Skills: It enables each student to use various software, think logically & computationally, and build apps, games and websites. 

LEAD is one of India’s most trusted brands in the education sector, which understands the importance and impact of the new national education policy.

“The aim of education is the knowledge, not of facts, but of values.” —William S. Burroughs.


One of the stronger NEP 2020 impacts is the quality improvement in the learning outcomes. Further, enhance the quality of education in your school by partnering with LEAD!

Article Summary

  • NEP 2020 policy document has been created to bring transformational change in Indian school education.
  • It aims to deliver high-quality and equitable education to all students. 
  • NEP 2020 impact also includes the changed pedagogy, which is now 5+3+3+4.
  • The impact of the new national education policy is also going to be on teacher training and assessment methods of the students.

Neha Bhandari

Neha Bhandari is a Brand Manager at LEAD. With a contribution in building brands across the media and BFSI industry, she has made it to the Pitch Marketing 30under30 list. She holds a postgraduate degree in Marketing from KJ Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research. Neha strongly believes that education is the biggest investment of a child's future and she wishes to revolutionise the ecosystem with LEAD.



Neha Bhandari

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