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What is NEP 2020? Key Highlights of the National Education Policy


What is NEP 2020? Key Highlights of the National Education Policy

Last Updated On: 25/07/2024

Siddharth Saxena

School Owner

Have you ever wondered what the future of education in India might look like? The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is here to answer that question. This policy is set to revolutionise the Indian education system, making it more inclusive, flexible, and geared toward the needs of the 21st century.

Consider this: by 2035, the NEP aims to increase the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in higher education to 50%. To put that in perspective, the GER was just 26.3% in 2018. Quite a leap, right? And that’s not all. The NEP also envisions the universalisation of education from pre-school to secondary level, aiming for a 100% GER in school education by 2030.

The NEP 2020 was meticulously crafted through extensive consultations with educators, policymakers, and the public. Its objective is to transform the current education system, striving for universal literacy and positioning India as a global knowledge superpower. By focusing on holistic, flexible, and multidisciplinary learning, the policy seeks to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

So, what exactly does this policy entail? How will it affect students, teachers, and educational institutions across the country?


What is NEP 2020?

The National Education Policy 2020 is a landmark initiative aimed at revolutionising the education system in India. This policy, developed through extensive consultations with educators, policymakers, and the public, seeks to overhaul both school and higher education. NEP 2020 aims for 100% youth and adult literacy, promoting holistic, flexible, and multidisciplinary learning to prepare students for the challenges of the modern world. By positioning India as a global education leader, it strives to create an inclusive and forward-thinking educational environment.

Aims and Objectives of NEP 2020

The NEP 2020 aims to transform India’s education system by promoting inclusive, equitable, and quality education for all. It seeks to achieve 100% literacy, foster critical thinking, and encourage holistic development. The policy emphasises multidisciplinary learning, flexible curriculum, and the integration of technology to prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century.


Key NEP 2020 Highlights

The National Education Policy 2020 introduces several transformative changes aimed at revamping the education system in India. Here are the key highlights that outline its major goals and initiatives:

Universal Access to Education

NEP 2020 aims to ensure that every child in India has access to education, from pre-school to secondary level. By 2030, the policy targets a 100% Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in school education. It also emphasises the inclusion of children from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, ensuring equitable and inclusive education for all.

Curricular Structure: 5+3+3+4 System

The NEP introduces a new curricular structure designed to better align with the developmental stages of children. This 5+3+3+4 system breaks down as follows:

  • Foundational Stage (5 years): Includes three years of pre-primary and grades 1-2, focusing on play-based and activity-based learning.
  • Preparatory Stage (3 years): Covers grades 3-5, emphasising experimental learning in the arts, sciences, mathematics, and languages.
  • Middle Stage (3 years): Encompasses grades 6-8, encouraging critical learning objectives and the introduction of more abstract concepts.
  • Secondary Stage (4 years): Includes grades 9-12, offering greater flexibility and student choice in subjects.

Foundational Literacy and Numeracy

One of the core goals of NEP 2020 is to ensure that every student attains foundational literacy and numeracy by Grade 3 by 2026-27 through initiatives like the NIPUN Bharat Mission. The policy advocates for a National Mission on Foundational Literacy and Numeracy to systematically address these basic educational needs. It emphasises early language and mathematical skills through interactive and engaging teaching methods.

Holistic Development and Multidisciplinary Education

NEP 2020 promotes holistic development by encouraging a broad-based education that goes beyond traditional academic subjects. It integrates arts, humanities, sports, and vocational skills into the curriculum, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence. The policy also supports the flexibility for students to choose their subjects, enabling multidisciplinary learning.

Teacher Training

Recognising the pivotal role of teachers, NEP 2020 focuses on enhancing teacher education and professional development. It proposes a comprehensive National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (NCFTE) and advocates for continuous professional development programs. The policy aims to ensure that teachers are well-prepared, motivated, and supported in their careers.

Multilingual Education

To foster linguistic diversity and cognitive development, NEP 2020 promotes multilingualism from early childhood. The policy recommends that children be taught in their mother tongue or regional language until at least Grade 5. Additionally, it encourages the learning of three languages, balancing local, national, and international languages to enhance cultural and linguistic proficiency.

Assessment Reforms

NEP 2020 seeks to shift from rote memorisation to competency-based assessments that evaluate higher-order skills like critical thinking and problem-solving. It proposes the establishment of a new National Assessment Centre, PARAKH (Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development), to set standards and guidelines for student assessments, ensuring they are more comprehensive and reflective of a student’s overall development.

Benefits of the New Education Policy 2020

The NEP 2020 offers numerous benefits for schools, teachers, and especially students. Some of these benefits include:

  • Equitable Access: Ensures all students have equal opportunities to access quality education, regardless of socio-economic status or geographic location.
  • Holistic Development: Focuses on developing well-rounded individuals with diverse skill sets.
  • Flexibility in Learning: Provides a flexible and multidisciplinary curriculum that caters to students’ interests and talents.
  • Improved Learning Outcomes: Aims to enhance learning outcomes through innovative pedagogies and assessments.
  • Inclusivity and Equity: Promotes inclusivity and equity in education, providing support for underprivileged and specially-abled students.

In this article

How is NEP 2020 Transforming the Education System in Schools?


NEP 2020 Opportunities for Schools - Impact on Modern Schools

How is LEAD Making Schools NEP-ready?

How is LEAD Group Making Schools NEP-ready?

How is NEP 2020 Transforming the Education System in Schools?

NEP 2020 signalled a new vision for school education, offering a much-needed revision and reform agenda to the system. The policy has a vision for fundamental change in how education is delivered, offering new opportunities for schools while ensuring that every school-aged child in India has access to an equitable and high-quality education.

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NEP 2020 Opportunities for Schools - Impact on Modern Schools

  1. Ensure that every child has access to the formal schooling system:
    NEP aims to provide every child from ages 3 to 18 access to education through either public or private schooling options. Consequently, NEP 2020 provides an opportunity for schools to reduce the number of students from socio-economically disadvantaged groups to drop out. The policy states to set up Special Education Zones, increased access to Open and Distance Learning (ODL), Gender Inclusion Fund to ensure a reduction in dropouts and an increased number of options for students from Socially and Economically Disadvantaged Groups (SEDGs).
  2. More holistic, competency-driven learning:
    The policy focuses on ensuring students ‘learn to learn’ and advocates an activity-based, experiential learning methodology, with a strong emphasis on choice for students in the schools. NEP has introduced a change in curriculum and pedagogy to ensure students develop outstanding cognitive skills, mathematical and computational thinking, 21st-century skills, and critical thinking skills, among others. These skills will result in a future-ready workforce with the proficiency to meet the changing needs required for future jobs.
  3. Assessments as a means, not the end:
    One of the most critical NEP 2020 opportunities for schools is to switch from annual examinations to a system of formative assessments to brace the teaching-learning process. Students demonstrate expertise in multiple ways: a low-stakes board exam in 10th grade and multiple assessments throughout the year focusing on demonstrating learning to reduce the fear of examinations and allow students to demonstrate what they have acquired to the best of their abilities.
  4. Resource efficient, open and accountable education system:
    Another significant NEP 2020 opportunity for schools is to rationalise schools into clusters or complexes to increase the overall utilisation of school infrastructure, improve collaboration between schools and devolve autonomy for schools. NEP 2020 has also introduced multiple ways to introduce uniformity across schools.

LEAD is already in sync with NEP recommendations

National Education Policy NEP 2020 Explained

How is LEAD Group Making Schools NEP-ready?

The vision of LEAD Group is to offer maximum NEP 2020 opportunities to schools by building an education system rooted in the Indian spirit that contributes directly to transforming India by offering high-quality education to all, thereby making India a global knowledge superpower. Here is how LEAD Group is making schools NEP-compliant: 

  • Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE) & Foundational Literacy & Numeracy (FLN):

LEAD Group imparts strong language learning from early pre-primary years with English Language and General Awareness (ELGA) and Sampoorna Hindi programs. While in class, LEAD Group embraces activity-based learning to ensure children can easily grasp abstract subjects like Maths.

  • Conceptual understanding:

LEAD Group has introduced unique approaches for various subjects to ensure students learn subjects as a skill rather than acquiring just theoretical knowledge. The classroom interactions, routines and activities at LEAD Group make learning holistic and experiential.

  • Integration of Essential Subjects, Skills, and Capacities:

LEAD Group curriculums include subjects such as Coding & Computational Skills (CCS) program. Rather than simply consuming content through technology, the students become creators by using technology to build apps, websites and games and thus become future-ready.

  • Regular formative assessments:

At LEAD Group, assessments target learning outcomes and competency. With doubt-solving sessions, teachers understand students’ struggles and assist them in overcoming their challenges.

  • Teacher empowerment:

LEAD Group strongly believes that the young minds of the future will only be strengthened when we empower our educators. Therefore, it conducts extensive Teacher Development Workshops (TDWs) to upskill teachers.


An excellent educational institution makes every student feel welcomed and cared for, where a stimulating and safe learning environment exists, where a variety of learning experiences are imparted, and where good physical infrastructure and suitable resources conducive to learning are available to all students. Hence, turn your school into a LEAD-powered school to have the advantage of the NEP 2020 opportunities for schools in India.

Article Summary

  • One of the primary NEP 2020 opportunities for schools is that it leverages technology to improve learning outcomes and provide access to quality education at scale.
  • NEP 2020 provides an opportunity for schools to adopt student-friendly curriculum and pedagogical methods.
  • The policy offers the opportunity for schools to leverage activity-based and experiential-learning pedagogy to upgrade physical and digital infrastructure to provide learners with the necessary space and resources.
  • NEP 2020 provides an opportunity for schools to collaborate with other schools for skilling courses starting from class six.

Siddharth Saxena

Siddharth is a Senior Content Executive in the Content Marketing Team at LEAD School. He is an alumnus of Delhi University and has been working as a Content Writer/Copywriter for the past 7 years in Ed-Tech and various other industries. He truly believes in LEAD's mission of providing excellent education and works tirelessly towards it, every day.



Siddharth Saxena

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