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How can parents keep their children stay active even during the lockdown?

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For the first time in the history of education, the summer vacation is just around the corner, and children are not looking forward to that, perhaps because the Coronavirus pandemic made their lives a never-ending vacation.

Students did get excited with their school shutting down in March 2020, but after some 15 months of its closure, every student wants to get back to their good old life and friends. But unfortunately, since the virus lurks around the corner, this closure is here to stay.

Elearning has saved the sector from a downfall. However, other activities that a school promises, such as extracurriculars, competitions, games, craft period etc., remain neglected in a remote learning setup.

Since students devote much time on-screen, they must spend some time away from it too. In a remote learning setup, It’s the parents’ prerogative to keep their children active so that lethargy doesn’t kick in and they can make the most of their virtual classes by paying attention.

 “School shutdown is also a chance to make better relationships with our children and teenagers,” says UNICEF.

It has not been easy for students

Though it has been challenging for parents, principals and teachers to sail through the new setup of remote learning, students have been impacted the most. They are confined to their houses when they expect to blossom while playing in the field. Changes to lifestyle during this challenging period can adversely affect children’s well-being. There is mounting evidence of the pandemic causing anxiety, depression, and considerable harm to children’s mental health. The pandemic has constrained their movements which is detrimental to their development.

There are various activities for kids during lockdown that can help them stay active:

  • Brain teaser games

You can indulge your kids in playing brain teaser games that will help them engage in something meaningful and allow them to think analytically and creatively. Solving puzzles, mathematical problems, etc. will help them stay active and agile.

  • Group discussion with family members

The communication of children with the outer world has been restricted owing to the lockdown. They do not have a lunch break or a games period to interact or share with their peers anymore. In such a scenario, parents should initiate an interactive group discussion regarding age-specific topics. This way, children can keep their minds fresh and will learn new things.

  • Crafting

Craft activities enhance communication, listening, attention, and imagination.  Whether it’s painting or clay modelling, there’s a range of ideas to help your child stay busy. Such activities help soothe their mind and must be encouraged.

  • Engaging in attention activities

Children can also help their parents sorting pulses or segregating kidney beans and chickpeas into two bowls. Daily chores like sorting a pair of socks increase their attention.

  • Indulge in yoga

Since the movement of kids is restricted at home, parents must ensure their kids indulge in some physical exercise. Yoga is the best way to keep your kid energised. It also helps to keep their emotions in check, which could be everywhere in the current circumstances.

The World Bank says, “The unique nature of the pandemic places parents as first-line responders for children’s survival, care, and learning.” While many things may seem out of control right now, deploying a few fun activities for kids in the lockdown is achievable.

How can LEAD help to keep kids stay active during the lockdown?

LEAD has made a seamless connection between students and teachers in times of disruption. With its hybrid model, it has made unstoppable learning for schools around the country possible. With the help of LEAD, students can continue their learning from the comfort of their homes.

Additionally, LEAD’s approach to education is different where besides making sure students keep ahead of their lurving curve, it also offers activities for students during the lockdown.

Activities for kids during lockdown

Digital Learning Content, Physical Reader & Workbooks, Learning activities, E-books, quizzes, National competitions, Extra-Curricular Activities are offerings that keep a student agile even during the school closure.

Besides this,  LEAD has also launched a six-week summer programme. It involves two activities per week—Tinkering Tuesday, comprising STEM-based activities, and Funky Friday, a range of family-based kinaesthetic activities. Together, these activities aim to ensure that learning continues through the summer vacation. These activities for students during the lockdown help them grow with an element of fun.

LEAD is helping children become future-ready. To enrol your child in a LEAD Powered School: Fill the admission form now

About the author

Manasa is a Branding and Communication Manager at LEAD. She is an Asian College of Journalism alumnus and a former Teach for India Fellow. Manasa has also completed her MBA in marketing from Deakin University. She strongly believes that education has the power to shake the world and is excited to be a part of LEAD’s transformational journey.

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