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What are the NEP 2020 Exams & Assessment Reforms

NEP 2020 aims to transform the nature of learning assessments from one that is summative and primarily tests rote memorization skills to one that is:

  • More regular and formative
  • More competency-based and
  • One that tests higher-order skills, such as analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity

NEP 2020 aims to transform the nature of learning assessments from one that is summative and primarily tests rote memorization skills to one that is:

  • More regular and formative
  • More competency-based and
  • One that tests higher-order skills, such as analysis, critical thinking, and conceptual clarity

Change in the nature of the progress cards

The progress card will be a holistic, 360-degree, multidimensional report that reflects the progress as well as the uniqueness of each learner in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.
It will include self-assessment and peer assessment, and the progress of the child in project-based and inquiry-based learning, quizzes, role plays, group work, portfolios, etc., along with teacher assessment.
It will also be accompanied by parent-teacher meetings in order to actively involve parents in their children’s learning journey.

The progress card will be a holistic, 360-degree, multidimensional report that reflects the progress as well as the uniqueness of each learner in the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains.
It will include self-assessment and peer assessment, and the progress of the child in project-based and inquiry-based learning, quizzes, role plays, group work, portfolios, etc., along with teacher assessment.
It will also be accompanied by parent-teacher meetings in order to actively involve parents in their children’s learning journey.

Change in the nature of board exams

Some of the key changes in the nature of board exams are:

  • Greater choice of subjects
  • Testing of core competencies rather than memory
  • Best-of-two attempts: one main examination and another for improvement
  • A possible semester or modular system to reduce pressure
  • Option to choose subject levels based on interest e.g standard vs higher level in math
  • Certain subjects’ question papers may be redesigned to have two parts-one part of MCQs and the other of a descriptive type

All students will take school examinations in Grades 3, 5, and 8 so that learning progress can be tracked throughout the school years rather than just at the end of class 10 and 12.

Some of the key changes in the nature of board exams are:

  • Greater choice of subjects
  • Testing of core competencies rather than memory
  • Best-of-two attempts: one main examination and another for improvement
  • A possible semester or modular system to reduce pressure
  • Option to choose subject levels based on interest e.g standard vs higher level in math
  • Certain subjects’ question papers may be redesigned to have two parts-one part of MCQs and the other of a descriptive type

All students will take school examinations in Grades 3, 5, and 8 so that learning progress can be tracked throughout the school years rather than just at the end of class 10 and 12.

National Assessment Centre, PARAKH

PARAKH that is Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development is set up as a standard-setting body under MHRD that fulfils the objectives of:

  • Setting norms, standards, and guidelines for student assessment
  • Guiding the State Achievement Survey (SAS) and undertaking the National Achievement Survey (NAS)
  • Monitoring achievement of learning outcomes in the country, and
  • Encouraging and helping school boards to shift their assessment patterns as per NEP 2020

It will also advise school boards regarding new assessment patterns and latest researches and promote collaborations between school boards.

PARAKH that is Performance Assessment, Review, and Analysis of Knowledge for Holistic Development is set up as a standard-setting body under MHRD that fulfils the objectives of:

  • Setting norms, standards, and guidelines for student assessment
  • Guiding the State Achievement Survey (SAS) and undertaking the National Achievement Survey (NAS)
  • Monitoring achievement of learning outcomes in the country, and
  • Encouraging and helping school boards to shift their assessment patterns as per NEP 2020

It will also advise school boards regarding new assessment patterns and latest researches and promote collaborations between school boards.

LEAD partner schools are already in sync with NEP 2020 Exams & Assessment Reforms

  • Our assessments target learning outcomes & competency
  • We encourage the schools to capture values such as sharing, growth mindset, respect, and more in their report cards.
  • Students get access to objective & subjective mock papers for board exams along with detailed solutions
  • Students are exposed to digital assessments thanks to Practice Tests on the students’ app

Apart from academics, our student development system ensures every child develops the 5 essential skills required to succeed in life.

  • Our assessments target learning outcomes & competency
  • We encourage the schools to capture values such as sharing, growth mindset, respect, and more in their report cards.
  • Students get access to objective & subjective mock papers for board exams along with detailed solutions
  • Students are exposed to digital assessments thanks to Practice Tests on the students’ app

Apart from academics, our student development system ensures every child develops the 5 essential skills required to succeed in life.

  • Cities
    400 Cities
  • Schools
    8,000 Schools
  • Students
    35 Lakh+ Students

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is formative assessment in NEP 2020?

  • What is the meaning of PARAKH in NEP 2020 Exams & Assessment Reforms?

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is in sync with National Education Policy (NEP 2020)


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